Larry king masterbates (part 6)

by tori UNK   May 29, 2006

-Robin walks by-

-Robin looks at Seth-

Seth- whatchya lookin at ??

Jim-shes horny

Seth- I said whatchya lookin at? do i got a bugar on
my forhead?? huh robin?

Robin- Shut up for once will ya

Jim- i feel like tacos

-Jim walks away-

Seth- Robin. why are you always stalking us?

Robin- Im not always stalking you guy.
Technicly im never stalking you.

Seth- your always following me and Jim around.
When the time is right i might make my move.

Robin- Jims not gay

Seth- I know

Robin- so why are you gonna make a move?

Seth- i said \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Might\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

Robin- you do relise hes 16 and your 11 right?

Seth- My birthday is next week...

Robin- His is next month

Seth- age doesnt matter

Robin- hes

...go to part 7


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  • 17 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Lol. hes rite age doesn't matter! go seth! stupid robin. oh no im gettin into this!