What he said

by Stephanie and Laura   May 31, 2006

I'm leaving you said so i followed you
i gotta get out you said, so i packed my bags too

lets go you said and got into the truck
ok i said and began to buckle up

i cant take them anymore you told me
i wish they could all just see

i know i said holding your hand tight
i know i said at least we know whats right

i would rather die than live another day with them
and i listened to you, being a true friend

i cant go back there you cried
you cant make me this time

i wont i promised i will stay with you
i looked at him and said cant you see i am being true

how will we make it he asked
finally i can tell him at last

on love i said something you have never known
but instead he replied yes i have and my love for you has grown

we can do it i said just you wait and see
ok he said, i will see what we can be

but were will he go he questioned the thought
i dont know i said lets pull over and stop

i love you he said lets forget them for now
we can do what ever we will allow

then lets run i said lets run away together
ok he said as long as you will be there forever


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  • 18 years ago

    by kiesha

    You did an awesome job on this poem. I like it a lot. It's very sweet. Keep writing and take care!

  • 18 years ago

    by Bled_Dry_Heart

    Good job! I liked this one a lot. Love is all you need. : )

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