My Pal Forever

by Trish   Jun 24, 2006

I know that we haven't been friends for more than a year
But over the time we have been friends
We have learned so much about each other
I have ;earned that you have your on and of days
And how to just understand when you are having an off one
You have learned that I can be annoying
But you know I don't mean to
So you always forgive me
We have gotten so close
That I call you my sister
I tell you everything that I can't tell others
You care about me so much
You hate to see me hurt
I also feel the same with you
If anything happend to you I am not sure what I would do
I get told to take a break from you
But I just can't do that
Cause I don't know what I would do
YOu mean so much to me
That's why I can call you my bff
I want our friendship to last
If it comes down to choosing friendship over love
You would always come first
Cause if it wasn't for you
I wouldn't know what true friendship is
So thanks for always caring


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