Never Forget

by Annabelle   Jun 26, 2006

I realized something today
As you reached up my skirt
That half of me wanted it
Because Im a flirt

The part of me
That pushed you away
Is the part that is hurt
From the things you say

Ive been trying to forget
I think youve caught on
Because now youre all over me
Like something is wrong

If you hadnt noticed
I was going well
Forgetting your touch
As you put me through hell

I would be grateful
If you let me be
Leave me alone
Throw away the key

Dont even say hi
Not a word
Im not yours to hurt
I hope you heard

Because if you stay here
Ill never move on
I will say I have
But that is a con

I will always remember
Never forget
The happiness you bought
The challenges I met

Trying to please
But never succeed
You are the boy
Who I may always need


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