You will pay

by marlene   Jun 27, 2006

Yeah!Once again I see you with her walking down the street holding hands,you think you could just make me jealous by showing me your brand new toy,you kiss her and kiss her as I'm staring out the window, But as I'm staring I'm wondering if you love her of your just using her too,Its obvious to know that you haven't changed a bit,your still the same bastard and lowlife that once broke my heart,I'm still sure that you are going to regret what you did to me.I'm waiting and waiting until that day comes so you can come back begging in your knees telling me your sorry.Instead of crying I laugh to myself because you haven't realized how much my love for you turned into pure day you will feel the same pain I felt before and you will find out that love isn't as beautiful,I cried and cried and every tear was because of you, I wish i could of drown you so I wouldn't deal with this pain no more,But I cant wait cause you will soon loose your reputation,just because of your looks and your filthy money,you think you could attract a girl like that,But you are wrong and you will learn that it doesn't matter at all,go on and play with your toy because you don't have enough time,enjoy it while you can cause its not gonna last,just do me one more favor and stop acting like you don't care,so beware of whats coming I hope you don't get scared,well thanks for your time it wasn't worth it so what your love wasn't true,please don't forget how much I loved you even if you didn't know until now,well I guess I learned from my mistakes and thats about all I have to say,oh but wait what you did you will have to pay.cause what goes around comes around so watch out boy cause what went up will come down.............


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  • 17 years ago

    by Britta

    Brilliant!! well done! i totally agree with everything u sed in ur poem! i feel the same way about my x! he did the same to me...and hes gonna get it! and u just put it into words for me! keep it up! XoBrittoX