Comments : Destroying Freedom of Speech

  • 17 years ago

    by Darien

    Great stuff, however.. I thought the title lacked a little bit. You should change it. When people look at the title of the poem, they expect something about the poem. The title gives it a sort of identity. That's the only thing I found, other than that, this was a great piece. So now I know what tickles your funny bone :P hehe

  • 17 years ago

    by Nelle

    Haha that was hilarious! I know how you feel, but it is pretty stupid all these people will downvote for no reason whatsoever...just b/c they are in a bad mood so they figure i can ruin it for everyone..but that's just fine b/c its starting not to bother are right people agree with you, i completely agree with you...great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    Great poem! I really thought it was good and original. Your thoughts were very strong in the poem, I definately knew how you felt. Keep up your good work!

  • 17 years ago

    by k

    I think this poem has some excellent points. GOd i've read some topics on here, explicit poems about all sorts of stuff that i would never imagine being rated a 5 but it is...therefore why should we not be able to express ourselves about anything we like here xx