
by Albert   Jun 28, 2006

I knew from the start you where the girl for me
your smile your eyes it all fit perfectly
you flirted you played you knew my secret crush
you thought you where to god for me but in the end you fell in love
we play and we laugh we hug and we kiss
we try to keep this secret but just can't resist
we know this can't be for everybody is against it
but still we keep on just increasing the tension
but then the day came when we where separated it was so crazy and cruel it was just penetrating
i cried and i sobbed begged them to leave you with me
but all they did was laugh saying poor imbecile kid
now i sit here all alone thinking about you and my love
thinking about how they took away my heart


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  • 17 years ago

    by *~Brittaney~*

    This is a really sweet poem, awesome work!! *~Brittaney*~