Comments : This time

  • 17 years ago

    by aliiiii

    Thank you very much for commenting on my poem. It meant a lot. Lightly I've been through a lot, and It's hard to think people actually notice me, which is the reason I post poems on here..some people respect your work, like I do yours. You're very talented and unique. I love the way you wrote this. Some poems are undescribed, but with a lot of poems, you can image this in your head, like I can here. If all is well, I'm glad. But if all is not good, I'm sorry for whatever you've been through. I know what it's like to be hurt..and it's not a feeling you like to remember. Thank You again for reading, and commenting on my poem, hope you liked it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Chris Rodriguez

    Very nice poem. Was this one of your earlier poems? It was good but not as good as your other ones. f it was an earlier poem I can really see the progression and improvement. Nice job.