Before And Now

by Philip Webb   Jul 1, 2006

The world I once knew was dark to behold
Devoid of warmth I blistered in cold
Hidden in my own world, behind a cheery mask
There was only one thing, all I could ever ask

A guy like myself, doesn't want much
Asks for no more then loves gentle touch
Yet even that seemed too much to ask
Past loves became painful tasks

Yet the time had come and my hope was gone
But when my eyes fall upon your face, I know you're the one
I gaze into your eyes, I fall and I'm lost
I would never disappoint you, no matter the cost

I can never recall a time like this
I leave behind all doubt with you passionate kiss
You make me someone I never believed I could be
You really are amazing, one day you will see

I'm no longer hiding in a world of my own
The mask has been cast off, I'm no longer alone
Ill love you forever, Ill hold on to you
All I can say is I'm yours through and through


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