Comments : Im sorry (to you)

  • 18 years ago

    by timehealsallwounds6

    Very nice poem keep up the good work hun


  • 7 years ago

    by Lucifer

    It happens sometimes when we share our problems with others they try to tell us everything will be okay, but we are fill with so much negativity that we start making think like us.
    Ruining their life too...

    I just hope that person accepted you with all your emotions

    • 7 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thanks Lucifer - I do believe i no longer speak to the person this was about.

  • 6 years ago

    by Mark

    Hey Nams! Some of your earlier pieces from way back have caught my attention! Hopefully through a detailed comment I may offer some suggestions to the 2006 Nams. :D

    This is an 'I'm sorry' poem. :( Seems very personal to you. I'm sorry for bringing this back to your attention if it digs out any memories...

    The first stanza, I like the opening line! Perhaps less question marks after 'mine'. ;) Ruining is a powerful word, sort of appears twice, perhaps consider 'damaging'.

    Second stanza has a nice flow to it. I wonder if all the ...... Are needed? The start of a new line without any grammar - (as you indeed are aware of) indicates the lines are connected.

    Third stanza. Indicates your sorry for not 'being there' for a friend who needed someone to talk too. I really wish I knew more about what happened! I'd love to know more about what the long ago Nams did.

    I like the lines 'I was here, then I wasn't. I can relate to that...I call it 'my twenties!' Lol

    Fourth stanza has several 'sorry's, other words to be used maybe 'apologies', 'I seek forgiveness'.

    Poems like this pave the way for the Nams i'm beginning to know now, and appreciate so much. Hugs Nams, I hope this memory resolved itself

    • 6 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Ah.. some bad memories.. but i can face these.. and a wonderful comment.. this was teenage nams.. clearly shows how far my writing has come