Death consuming

by hope   Jul 13, 2006

I feel the death around me... its creeping on me slow

the graveling gather near...and say its time to go

my body is all scratched up... and hurting me like hell

and in my mouth is a horrid taste... because i will not tell

i listen to their whispering...they r deciding what to do

but as they chat a rope becomes tight...n then my face is blue

they look upon me in wonder n doubt...that i had beaten them

and that their job was not done... in my hands a stem

a big black box i lye in now... only my body not soul

and now i roam this earth alone... working away my goal

because i am the reaper child...killing deaths next victim

as i am in another body...death can swiftly take them

bringing them into another realm...away from any care

where no one has to communicate...or have to live to share

in a bed at night i lye...wondering what will happen as i play

which man or woman or child i see...will have to die today

Hope Caza-Stein
Nov. 17th 2005


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