
by redxiii   Jul 19, 2006

Alone in the dark
alone at night
no one to hold
no one to talk to
just alone
with my thoughts
no one knows my mind
not even i, the razor calls
calls of pain ring in my ears
my head cracks from the pain
no other can know
i must stay alone
or my toxic thoughts may
infect others so must
I die or stay alone


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  • 17 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow this is really good! Short and to the point I like it. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Taylor

    Babe, you're never alone.
    I'm so proud of you, I miss talking to you though.
    It's okay, even though you feel like the world's on your shoulders remember you have me to talk to, to help ease the weight.
    This is amazing but you know I don't want you in pain.

    Love, Taylor.

  • 18 years ago

    by Victoria

    I LOVE YOU!!! great poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by Illusion

    I think that this poem was really good. Very...dark. I hate feeling alone....yet I'm scared that if I try to be with others...that I might hurt them...or that they may hurt me.

    To answer your question- you mustn't die...because I'd miss you too much...and remember, you're not completely'll always have me.

    Love You


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