Day By Day, Love By Love

by Mousie   Jul 20, 2006

He puts his arm around me
And for the first time in so long
I feel comfort and joy fill my body.
Life is great when you feel this feeling
And then you let go and life comes back to reality.
O how reality sucks!
You think too much, your mind wanders;
What will happen?
Will this go on forever?
Will I be left alone with a broken heart and no self worth?
Will I ever find another like him?
But then you realize
You can't be this young and really know love.
He could be the one
He could be the first of many...
You never know, you just trust.
Shielding yourself does not help
But just going day by day is fine.
Life can only be taken one day at a time
And each day can be taken so differently.
But love holds those days altogether.

i just found this poem... it's really bad... it like rambles! but i had a lot on my mind at the time i guess... i dunno there's like thirty different things... i got a bit confused... have fun!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Megan

    Your crazy anyway yay you better email me back you crack me up i was like that today at school. suprisingly i didnt get in trouble. lol anyway i like this poem to its diff. 5/5 by the way first true love i printed out with your name on it and put it in my binder it was extrmley good i loved it and the other one too love masqurade. ttyl love ya girlie

  • 17 years ago

    by Nicole Maree

    Not a bad poem, especially since you considered it ramblings. Keep up the good work. Luv Nicole =)