Leaving You

by Tara Auburn   Jul 25, 2006

As I leave this life that I know so well I leave behind everything.
There are things that I can part with and I can go on without.
Then again there are things I can't bare to part with.
I can leave behind all the hard times,
I can even leave behind the good memories.
I can't leave behind what I love,
I can't leave you behind!
I've gone so far in life with you here,
Now I have to part from you, and live a life with out you.
How am I supposed to do that?
You are the one that calms all my fears.
The smile that I wear is from you
Maybe when I leave, the tears that are because of you will vanish
What if the tears do stop coming, will I loose all feelings for you?
All the memories we have, and all the times we've been together will they disappear with the tears?
How could the tears stop if you aren't here?
Wouldn't they be even more than before?
What will I do with out you?
You aren't going to be with me to stop my tears
You won't even be there for me!
You say you will be a phone call away,
But how long will that last?
Really, what we have now is over.
The day I roll away, our life is done with.
The life I worked so hard at will just dissipate.
All I want to do is keep what we have for eternity.
I know that the love I have for you will never leave,
But I will never get to experience eternity with you.
All you need to know before I leave you,
Are not the times you've made me happy,
Or the time you wiped away the tears that you caused.
The only thing I want you to know is...
I love you!


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