Erected Wall

by Jasmyn   Aug 10, 2006

A wall has been erected
between what we both protected
what we took as our love
what we thought made us one
is being torn apart
and coming undone.
I'm not sure what happened
to tear us apart
but its killing me inside
ripping at my heart.
this wall i keep chipping away at
gets thicker, taller, and more strong
I'm afraid it will separate us forever
if we don't figure out whats wrong.
i love you and I'm trying
but these tears wont stop and i
cant quit crying
I'm losing what feels like everything
and it seems there's
nothing i can do
but i wont stop beating at this wall
because you mean the world to me
and i cant face losing you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by dora

    Hey darl a t0uching piece. very well written. thank u for the c0mment on my work. meant al0t xx