
by AwakeInDreamin   Aug 21, 2006

Every night i wait for you,
Even though i know you won't be there,
I long to be with you again,
I know it's been to long,
I miss you darling,
And theres only one thing i need,
To be in your arms once more,
Every night i go to our spot under the oak tree,
And wonder if you will show,
But you never do,
And it always disappoints me,
Darling why do you do this,
I thought you meant that you truly loved me,
But i guess that wasn't true,
Every night I'll wait for you,
But only if you wait for me,
I don't want to be alone once more,
For I've been alone for far to long,
Darling come now to our spot under the great oak,
And darling free my soul,
Free me so we can rejoice,
But if you do not come,
Remember I'll always be waiting for the moment you free me,
I'll wait till the second I'm in your arms once more,
But until then I'm waiting under the oak tree,
Even though i don't you wont be here.


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