Insane Involvement

by loretta Taylor   Sep 2, 2006

Insane Involvement

It finally hit home the other day.
a young man I knew was blown away.
He died on a roadside fighting the war in Iraq.
We are involved in a struggle that we canâ't win
in a place we never should have been.

His death brought on torrents of tears.
The thought of my son or grandson going
Brings on panic-filled nightmarish fears.
Once again I find myself on my knees
Praying for our soldiers to come back,
From this insane senseless war in Iraq.

Nations like pottery have to be fired to last.
It has been proven over and over in the past.
Muslim sects have been at war for nineteen centuries
Or more. Its time we left the blood and gore
And got the hell out of their civil war.

Our children and their children will pay the cost
On top of all the young people we've lost.
We need to tend to matters at home,
Stay out of the middle- east and leave them alone
To fight their battles on their own

A new democracy is in place after we rid the country
Of the self thought omnipotent dictator, Saddem Hussein.
Why we are still there is just wrong and downright insane
Our continued involvement is so very wrong.
We need to stop this madness and bring our loved ones back to America where they belong

**** note **** This is a political poem. I know you all may not agree with my opinion but it is simply that.... my opinion. I support our soldiers just not why they are there. So please, no nasty comments.


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