Subjected to Love

by Mousie   Sep 9, 2006

Arms wrapped around me
Keeping me close,
Like I may fly away
If not held tight.

He looks at me
With those deep, sensual eyes,
Longing for my love
Yearning for the unknown.

We lock lips
The passion swirling through us
A tornado...
In the midst of a storm.

Time is not recorded
Life stands still
For two people
Subjected to an extreme love.

The rain begins to fall
Relating to the emotions
Brimming inside
Of these two bodies.

In harmony
They fall
One body, One soul
Into a life of possibilities.

The clock chimes four
Ringing the ceasing of a fairytale
And bringing with it
The dawning of a reality.

I made this up as i went along... no idea if it's even semi-good... r/r/c pleeez!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Megann Lee

    Awwww. That was so nicely written. Very sweet, I loved it, Hun. It was very nicely done. :]]

  • 17 years ago

    by mistressxsork

    Very nicely written. I loved the emotion. You are a unique writer!