August 29, 2006

by Poetvoices   Sep 10, 2006

Dear Diary,
I seem so far away now,
but I keep a watchful eye.
Sit back and let me tell you
of the boy more beautiful than I.

Hair I've always found attractive,
and eyes that kill too.
Pools of icy water
I struggle to get close to.

Eyeliner serves as a gate or dam
I can't quite seem to get through.
My ignored glances and smiles
are the boomerang I threw.

He smiled at me today,
after giving me the eye.
That's all I really know
of the boy more beautiful than I.

I thought for sure I'd die.
It was quite a sight.
I didn't know whether to call a doctor
or kiss him on the site.

Couldn't wait to tell someone,
and it was only 12:04.
Lunch--my social time--
is what I'm waiting for.

I kept waiting and finally,
the big hand hit the eight.
I got up with purse in hand,
and, forgetting him, went and ate.

Anyway, I forgot about it--thanks to hunger,
but still, his image rested in my eye.
That was the tale of flaky me and
of the boy more beautiful than I.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ruthie

    And say thanks 2 ur parents from me 4 reading my poem :) that is so cool that they liked it! *hugs*

  • 17 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Hey beautiful! i hate it when u have poems un commented! there should never be a poetvoices poem un commented cause they r all awesome! and whoever rated that a 3 is a meanie poo *nods*

    loved it! loved it loved it loved it! I just love how you rhyme mate it rocks! sometimes it didn't flow perfectly but I really dn't think every poem should. So yes it was a lovely idea and well thought out and well pulled off :)

    I'm so glad u liked mummy! I read something like it but it didn't rhyme and it was like a big letter and whoever had wrote it unfortunatly didn't know how 2 spell either lol! so I wrote my own :) I can't wait 2 meet you! one day! in heaven! but til then keep pressin in 2 Jesus cause he will NEVER let u down *hugs* luv you

    Ruthie xoxo