Looking At You

by Mishel   Sep 19, 2006

I look at you,
Looking at me,
Analyzing me.
I love your eyes.
It's funny how I just noticed how pretty they are.
They're like the crystal blue ocean.
Your smile's great too.
It makes me melt every time I see it.
Your hands are strong,
Yet gentle.
Your height fits you just right.
The bleached and spiked hair must be your secret weapon,
Because it's the one I look for the most.
The way you look at me,
Almost makes me certain you still have strong feelings for me.
But then you act as if you don't care.
And my head and my heart are so confused,
They are getting so confused.
I can't recall how many times I have said sorry.
And I can't explain how bad I still feel.
Every time I look at you it hurts.
I say to myself:
"Look you idiot!
You could've had that.
You could be sitting right next to him with his arm around you.
You could be kissing and hugging him,
You had to hurt him all those times.
Way to go smart guy.
You ruined it forever."
Maybe if you knew,
You'd give me that chance I don't deserve.
If only you knew,
How much I care about you,
Than you might hold me.
If only you knew,
That I love you,
Than maybe you would take me back.
So I sit here,
Looking at you,
Look at me.
And I have to smile,
Because you're just so damn hot!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Mishel

    Thank you. i'm sorry you're going through the same thing. i hope it works out for you though real soon. =] and i'm so glad you liked it

  • 17 years ago

    by angie

    This is really good. you have put into words things i have felt before (and am acutally going through right now). good job! i love it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mishel

    Thank you. and im glad you understand where im coming from. i was just goofing with this poem but it does have a deeper meaning =]

  • 17 years ago

    by A Metaphorical Beauty

    Amazing =] I love your descriptivness...I know the feeling of analyzing perfection xx