Not Exactly A Poem, But Yeah...

by Lema   Sep 29, 2006

I cant believe I just gave up. I just let you drop out of my life. I tried to make you stay, then one day it just got too hard, and I saw that what you really wanted was a life without me. So I gave up...I let you go, and now you're really gone. I never meant to let you go, i never wanted it to happen. I wish I could make you come back, but tears, wishes and remincing do nothing but make my heart break a little more.
When I think about you, all I can say is one word - love. Or something pretty darn close to it, anyways. It takes that true feeling, those three simple words, that manage to make things so complicated, to put up with all that I've put up with when it comes to you. No one would've taken your shit, and everyone was telling me not to either, but I still did it, because i felt that special something when it came to you. I forgave you when you didn't apologize, I loved you when you didn't love me, I cared about you when you didn't care about me, and i think about you when I never even cross your mind.
Everyone says I'm stupid for still caring about you, because you broke my heart into pieces and yet i still keep saying it's cuz deep down inside, i know you're not a bad guy. I know that's true, but it only applies to others, not to me. It's like there's this whole new you, designed just to upset me, and make me cry over you every.single.night.
I know we're over that phase now, but I don't know if i should go on, pretending like nothing happened, the way you are, or whether i should stop getting close to you for fear of getting my heart trampled on again.
Any advice?
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  • 17 years ago

    by BabyBlueEyes

    Wow i was reading that and the whole time i was thinking about how iam in kinda that phase with someone if you need to talk iam here and good luck but remember ignore your head and follow your heart