The mask you Hold.

by Chloe [*]   Sep 29, 2006

You are always there for others, and yet you hold more pain then what you are helping the others with.

You wont let anyone in.

I Love You.

You are My World.
I need You.

You hold all that pain in.

will you crack soon?

Push People away. and Close yourself in.

thats what you do best.
Stop It.
You scare me.

Let me In, take off your mask.
I'm here for you. Please No that.

I don't understand your pain because i haven't lost like you have.

but I'm here for you.
I want to be Ur rock.

someone to cry on, and to be there for you to tell me
what you are feeling and to let it all out.

let me be there for you. Please.

I Promise you forever i will be there.

promise me you wont do anything stupid.

Your stronger than that


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