Happily ever after

by ells   Oct 6, 2006

They met when they young and still naive. He was her best friend and she was his, they shared everything...no secrets untold. But can they really just be friends? She loved him and he loved her, and both knew it was just love in a friends way. Right? He never saw her in that way “girlfriend material”, he didn't think from the first moment he saw her that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. But as the days, month, year went by he started falling, not because she was a stunning girl, but because she was everything he had ever wanted. She was the funniest person he had ever met; she could make him laugh no matter the circumstances. She never thought they would be boyfriend, girlfriend. They were so close and shared everything. He knew the in's and outs of her, her darkest secrets no one else knew. He could read her like a book, knew when something was wrong. She didn't realize that every time he smiled at her that she was slowly falling and falling into the depths of love. So he was in love with her and she was in love with him, but who was going to make the first move and tell the other how they felt. So one night as they lay on the grass looking up at the stars, her pointing to the ones she liked. He lay next to her just looking at her and thinking how lucky he was to have her. And she was thinking how lucky she was to have him. As she sat up, he went to talk. He said " I have something I need to tell you before I lose my nerve." So she stayed quite thinking what must it be what did he need to tell her? So he began " I think I'm falling in love with you." She sat there staring at him not speaking a word not trusting her self. So what happened next you’re wondering? She looked up at him smiled and said, " I love you." So they did it they decided to take the chance and it paid off they fell in love and lived happily ever after, well that’s what you would all like to hear. But in every relationship they had there bad moments it wasn’t happily ever after. He knew all her secrets and bad habits and she knew his. He knew when she was lying and she knew when he wasn’t being truthful to her. But in the end it did work out for the best they had there moments but they worked it out. They lived as happily ever after as one can.


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