Comments : When You Left

  • 17 years ago

    by xxbabigrrlxx

    OMG!!!!!! that was SO sad....*tear tear* :'(....but the poem was GREAT!!!!....5/5....and if this poem is expressing something that happened to u in real life...then just know that there are ALWAYS more fish in the sea...and that she just wasn't ur nemo...sorry kindda corny but..yea LOL


  • 17 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    It's really sad, and everyone can relate to it... Good job! I've decided I'm your mentor... :):) I just want you to do something for me, b/c I think you'd do it really well!! Write a poem using repetition!! Don't know what I mean about repetition? Skim my poem, "One of Many Lessons From Marshall". I just wanna see what you can do!!
    Sorry it seems like I'm on your back, but it's good for developing your skills!