What do you do?

by Miranda   Oct 24, 2006

What do you do when you like someone?
And that person doesn't seem to like you?
What do you feel inside when you hear things about that person that aren't true?
Do you let your emotions hide?
Do you let go of your pride?
When you like this someone and you try to get them to like you do you change?
What do you do?
What do you do when you're so confused?
What do you do when you feel like your heart has just been bruised?
What do you do when you like that person more than a friend?
What do you do to get that someone to understand?
Do you tell that person exactly how you feel? Or would that just scare that someone away?
What do you do when that someone knows you like them but, you want that person to understand how you really feel inside?
Do you just try to walk away from the embarassment and hide?
What do you do?


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  • 17 years ago

    by ImTheGirl

    I really like this poem alot. i wish some1 knew an answer to those questions so i wouldnt be so confused rite now