Used and left broken (Part 1)

by *BreckoN*   Oct 28, 2006

I never thought i would fall
For the petty little things
That men or boys say to you
To get you to go down the geans

I met this nice boy
He was kind from the start
Made me smile
He had a kind heart

It went well that night
We sat and had a laugh
I couldnt wait to meet him again
But then things changed so fast

I met him on that field
The one with the little park
Then we walked back to his we did
Silence in the dark

When we got there
We went upstairs
Sarted kissing
The normalle afair

Until he did ask me
To put my hand down there
And silly me did do it so
Silly me lost in dispare

I didnt want to loose him
Even though we just met
I needed the love he gave me
And the love i new i would get

So i did as he did ask me
I felt stupid but new i should
I didnt want to loose him
But then i new i would

He asked me to go down on him
I was shocked and surprized
But thinking again i needed him
So i did oblige

After that we went downstairs
And watched a little T.V
Until his friends did turn up
We were all nice and cosy

He walked me back then
And gave me a kiss good bye
Not a smile or anything
Not a gleam in his eye

That night i did text him
I needed to read his words
He didnt text back for some time
Until my phone i heard

He said we was over
After this short period of time
He said he had used me
And i was good at giveing shines

He said that you shouldnt be so easy
He said it with such force
That i read it with a breaking heart
With tears and such remorse

He had used me
After all he seem so nice
He used me then finshed me
Why did i have to pick the lice

The little boy who thinks hes big
Picking girls which fall for his lies
I can never trust boys again
Until the day that i die


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by *BreckoN*

    There is a part 2... but its not about how she tryed to get him back.. x x x

  • 17 years ago

    by courtney

    I really liked ur poem...sounds like ur really speaking from the heart...broken as it may be... i loved it and can relate...hope there is a poem about how she got him back in the future!!! :)

  • 17 years ago

    by *BreckoN*

    Didnt happen to me... But i felt for a friend x x x