The Willow Tree

by Pondering Thoughts Of Nothing   Oct 28, 2006

The girl can't escape her emotions.
She is just so confused.
Tears run down her sticky face,
not knowing what to do.
She sits in the wet grass.
in the pouring rain
and she screams to the sky out of anger,
She tried to run away.
The elements just weighed her down,
She had no escape.
She collapsed.
Fell hard to the ground.
And cried angry tears again.
The weeping willow stood there so staid,
Looking down on her with no feeling.
The wind blew harshly
And gave her a chill.
Then began another story.
Beautiful light snow, drifted from the sky.
and she began to feel happier inside,
but she couldn't figure out why.
The situation became overwhelming
And the snow began to fall
even heavier to the ground
And she was trapped in the snow storm.
She looked around frantically,
But no one came to her rescue.
She stood there in the white flurry,
Not knowing what to do.
She found the weeping willow,
and grabbed hold of its branches tight.
She had no idea what to do,
But then she saw the light.
The light shined warmly upon her
and that weepy willow tree.
Gently the willow wrapped its branches around her,
and lifted her to the sky.
She saw so many beautiful clouds,
that she began to cry.
She cried tears of joy,
And she felt an overwhelming warmth
She danced across the willow branches,
Until her dainty feet reached the top.
With a smile she looked up into the light and opened her arms wide.
She was whisked away
To a happy place
which wasn't so happy after all.
The light disappeared,
And she was right back where she had started,
But the friendly willow was no more.
It's gentle branches withered away
and its trunk disappeared.
She collapsed on the grass
and began to cry
more sticky wet tears.


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