For All I Care;

by Kyle Sacha   Nov 6, 2006

Days ago
i would look at your picture
and wonder where it all went
i would cry
to pass the time
missing your every move

but now
when i look at your picture
i get sick
thinking how stupid i was
to fall for someone like you

it's a wonder
how i lasted so long
I'm disgusted even thinking about your kiss
I'm nauseated thinking of your touch
your voice
your imperfections

I'm done with you
for all i care
you can get bent
forget you and your memories
you're a sick individual
for making me
love you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kyle Sacha

    It's kinda sad that when i wrote this, i was pretty much living a hurting so bad right now...writing has really helped tho...leave some love...