Loves Several Disagreements(Mujac Cajanym Tecyknaasahdc)

by XTaintedxBeautyX   Nov 18, 2006

They say love's an excuse to get hurt. All I say is. I agree.
Well that's a lie. Do I agree? I do and I don't. Usually when someone finds love. That person is gone not long after they are found.
Do I believe in love? Sure I do but sometimes I will tend to doubt it, doubt that there is anyone out there for me and if there is why don't they come out and tell me, walk right up to my door and say I'm right for you.
But If I Told You I Loved You, Would You Believe Me? Or Is This Just A Fluke? That's why I will keep it on the low, not say a word. Act as if we were just friends. I this a mistake?
Should I be the one to just come on out but what if, what if you don't feel the same? It will ruin what we have, and that I just can not afford to lose.
Don't get me wrong I love the fact I love you. I hate the fact I'm not telling you. When the time is right you will know. If it never ends up coming sorry.

© Corinne


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