Comments : Goodbye

  • 17 years ago

    by shu-chi

    That is very sad!!! but dont worry i think someday u will be friends again and u will never have 2 say goodbye!!!
    ( i rate ur poem 5)

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Hey if ur still around i wanted you to know i would miss your poems. so in a
    way i would miss you. please live

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Its so hard parent to picture thier little girl
    in love. its like ah it ain't real
    just kid stuff, and then something
    traic happens and then its , Wow
    how did;nt i see this. thats why
    my eyes are wide open. you know
    romeo and juliet were only 13
    and you know how that ended.
    good poem. i like your new name