I've learn the hard way that you
can't replace the life you waste
so I am living life the best way I
know how and I hope someone
gets something out of my poems to
help them live thier life sooner than
I did. drugs and alcohol numb you
and if you can't feel you can't heal
today I am sober and I still think
I got a bad deal and parents are the blame but aleast I'm in the game

Profile of CY GINDLE

  • Age : 1
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Pennsylvania
  • Joined : Oct 19, 2006
  • Last Visit : 7 years ago
  • Poems : 65
  • Comments : 2054
  • Quotes : 121
  • Posts : 31
  • Awards :

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Latest Quotes By CY GINDLE

  • The best liars always tell the truth

    8 years ago
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  • People always give more of themselves when they feel the worst

    8 years ago
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  • Its not always easy living with the things we done

    9 years ago
    0 0

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