The One

by Broken   Nov 28, 2006

I've always been one to believe
There's one person for us all
But what if we meet that one
Then not answer when love calls
What if you meet "the one"
When you don't want love
What if you meet "the one"
When it's someone else you love
What if I just let him
And let my true love pass me by
maybe I didn't hold on tight enough
Maybe we weren't strong enough to survive
What if no one will make me feel
Like I did when you touched my lips
What if no one says my name
The way it rolled off your lips
What if no one can make me laugh
And happy the way you did
What if love just passed me by
And I never love anyone again.
What if I came back to you
And told you how I feel
Would laugh and close the door
Or agree our love is real.
It's not always going to be happy times
We will stumble and we will fall
But we'll be beside each other's side
And embrace each other through it all
And if you're not 'the one" for me
I don't know who is.
Because no one else on this green earth
Can make me feel the way you did.


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