Forever He WIll Be Missed

by crystal   Dec 10, 2006

Today my grandfather died.
it was not easy because me and him had my whole life planned out together .
that i would move in with him and take care of him when he fell before i moved in with him he was in the hospital for a couple of days but some one would have to be at home watching over him all the time night and day and i could not do that since i was in high school when he got put into a nursing home i felt like it was all my fault then about three to four weeks later he died in him sleep so i blamed my self for dying still do to this day i was at work when this happened. i was sent home early form work and i did not like that for first of all. grandpa i am so sorry i should of done some thing more i hope you are happy and if you are not i am so so sorry. i hope you are in peace.

By: crystal keuntjes


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