A search for the unknown

by WriterX   Jan 1, 2007

A search for the unknown,
Traveling through dark and humid caves,
To discover a secret,
Hidden Treasure.

Not a statue from gold,
Or a relic of ancient times,
But the key to a place
Deep inside your soul.

Though it might be difficult,
Opposition and danger at every step,
The risk is always worth the prize,
For without it we are rocks.

Big, solid structures,
That lost their purpose,
Will form the fundaments
Of today’s Society.

An Epic Journey
To a world full of corruption and sin,
In search of a Utopia,
Which will last till your death.

Denying that we want it,
Transforms us into devils,
Who sold their souls
For feeble physical pleasures.

The mind remains hungry,
For we ignore its cries,
Our soul stabbed,
Left to bleed in our body.

So you dear reader,
Where will you stand?
Searching for your purpose,
Or surrendering to the instincts?


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