I'm Not Leaving...A true story

by Suicide With A Smile   Jan 3, 2007

It was all about a night of fun
Where did it all go wrong

One sip
One drink
One cup
One Keg

One bottle after another
I shouldn't even have bothered
I'm starting to get hotter

I'm loosing my range of motion
I feel paralyzed
I should have realized
I'm going to die

I can't see
I hear my friends yelling
And laughing
And singing

I hit the ground
Things that were once loud
Now have no sound

Hours pass
They watch me through the hospital glass

My moms crying
My brothers doing the same
I'm dieing
Everyone is saying my name

I have no emotion
No feelings
No thoughts

I can't smell
I can't taste
I still can't move
I have to much to loose

Now my moms in the room
The Dr. comes in

Somethings not right
I'm scared
I can tell by the look on my moms face
Somethings out of place
The doctor is looking down
At the ground
He has a frown

I still can't here
I just stare
Over there

Once again I can't breathe
Its like my life is a tease
God.. If your listening

My life is revived
And again I'm alive
I'm GOING to survive

I hear my mom saying
"Please..stay alive.."
She's crying
I want to say
"Mom, I promise I won't die.."
But some how
I know thats a lie

I can hear now
I can see
I still can't talk
Or move

I have plenty of time to think
I wish I could sing
That makes me happy

I'm in recovery
I just lay
Thinks of thing I want to say
I keep promising myself
I can say them
One day..

My mom brought me a mirror
All I saw was my true life
A horror

My skin is pale
All I feel like saying is "Oh Well..."
My eyes are black
I just cry
For the rest of the night

I wake up to a bright light
They say I stopped breathing again
Organ failure
I swear
All this for the devils lure

I can speak
My body is so weak
I just cry
Asking God to just let me die

The doctor has come in to talk to me
Several times now
I tell him once "No Visitors.."
And make him leave

Despite what I tell him
He comes back in
Tells me I have a chance to live

He hooks me to 2 machines
And acts like everything is Peachy-Keen
He'll never know what this means

My blood goes through a tube
And back into my body
It tickles

I fall back asleep
I wake up
And there's a bunch of people in my room
I want to fall back asleep

I get to go home
With only knowing my life is suppose to end in 1 week

I know now all i can do is pray
And practice my faith
Find my special happy place

I'm going to make it
I promise
I'm only 15
Its not fair
I care
It was just a dare
I swear

The Dr. calls
He says there maybe a cure

They have to run my blood through that machine that tickles
And give me more medication

I don't mind it
I don't want to die

The sad thing is
The 10 minutes I was dead
I saw Steven
Grandma and Grandpa
My cat Tommy
They said it wasn't my time


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