You\'ve Made a difference in my life

by Sara   Jan 8, 2007

You helped me rise whenever I was down,
You lifted me up, along with my confidence
Whenever I felt alone and worthless.
You were my pride and joy, my inspiration.

You never let me fall,
Always made me stand tall,
Helped me see through it all.
There with me through the hard times.

I loved you, more then anything.
I risked loosing my family for you,
The same family I’ve always told will be my number one.
And im just so confused

What happened??
What ever happened to what we used to be?
It seems to be an addiction for you,
To hurt and to always lie to me.

I want u too know something,
It hurts me u know,
U make me feel this way.
Make me WANNA tell you to go.

Im so torn, I don’t know what to do.
But I can’t stay with you!
You can’t do this to the one u love

I'm tired of your lies because all they do is hurt me so bad,
U don't even know. You don't know you cause me SO much pain
You just don't see it when it’s right in front of your face.
Can’t u see it in my eyes?
When they start to sparkle and cry?

These r the things I just wish you could see.
Just how much Ur hurting me.
This isn’t easy, ending it just like that.
It’s SO hard, to have to look u in them beautiful, striking eyes
And simply goodbye…

Its goodbye for now, but not forever…You have helped me in so many ways.


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