
by David   Jan 10, 2007

Like the lash of a whip,
Waves crash from thundering sea
I, Cold, freezing, frozen
like an icy grave surround me,

The sense of lost,
With the fate of worse,
I take the endless fall,
Like raindrops curse,

The ocean so wide,
and me just a splash,
of warmth and need,
and love just a dash

The water is moving,
with feelings from the deep,
and i cant stop the inevitable,
so into my skin they seep,

Isolated in the moment,
but despair none was found,
For alive I was still,
Awakened by a sound,

A whisper in my ear,
pulled me from that stare,
"i love you" was uttered,
her just sitting there.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Geart imagery in this one. Excellent job! Creative and beautiful!

  • 17 years ago

    by kiara

    Omg i cant believe some1 did that, voting 1 on them i mean i hate it when people do that ill help you go up again *hugs* lol

  • 17 years ago

    by Sandra D

    I like the end, it's sweet, but not like little girl sweet... u know what i mean!! (hopefully) anyway,great job!! 5/5!
