Thank you

by kate f   Feb 26, 2007

I thought by losing you,
I'd be losing my whole life,
But not fully understanding,
It was meant to be,
We just weren't right together,
We brought out the worst of each other,
It was purely fact,
I've come to terms,
That it wasn't the real deal,
Just puppy love,
You might've wanted it to be real,
And I sure did,
But it just didn't turn out that way,
It wasn't in the cards for us,
I did everything in my power,
But it just wasn't enough,
I tried but you didn't,
You expected me to do everything,
Do all the changing,
Everything was always my fault,
you were never to blame,
Now we're over,
You're not my problem anymore,
I've finally moved on,
Moved on to something much better,
To the love of my life,
So for that,
I thank you,
If it weren't for us breaking it off,
I wouldn't have found my true love,
I'll always remember you,
Remember all the good times we shared,
And hold them close to my heart,
but now we've both moved on,
And I still love you,
I always will,
But that love has changed,
I'll always be there for you,
And i know you know that to,
I use to feel only hatred and pain,
but realized it's just part of breaking up,
something everyone goes through,
but I no longer feel those feelings towards you,
All I feel is grateful,
To have been with you,
So for that, I thank you.


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