
by Savannah   Feb 26, 2007

I'm not in denial, I choose the reality I accept
Because my knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil
I love you
I hate you
Accept me
Be myself
Listen to the words coming from my mouth
Screaming thoughts so you can hear me
Do you hear or do you shrug it off
I believe in the love that binds, entwines, and captures my heart
Holds it tight
Can you see me from the inside out
Or is my shell all you see
Believe in me
Believe with me
Believe in something
Conformity is suicide if self-life
Breath in
Breath out
Shout to the ceiling of the sky
Let it ring out the heavens
Use the stars as chimes
Hear them sing the love I have for you
Hear them shatter for the heartbroken souls
Love me
Want me
Hold me tight
Am I dead to you or am I dreaming
Where space and time do not coexist
Existence is debatable
If you are noticed
Are you invisible
Because I see you hiding your truth
The light that burns bright
Don;t hide your inner light
Share it with the world
Illuminate the skies
A spot light on my heart
Burns through the cold
Defrost the soul
Loving you in secret was not fair
Share the love
Sing it, shout it, reach the heavens with your songs of you and I
Ring my bell
Do you see the real me or just my shell


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