by Chris   Mar 5, 2007

Love though imperfect gives us a glimpse of perfection - don't you think?
For although a small word it generates powerful emotions in a blink!
Comprising just four letters of the English language; but books have been written about this quality!
Always envisioning something exciting, real, true and pure - what a rarity!

This all-prevailing emotion brandishes real joy, hope and peace!
If all displayed this quality - it may even cause violence to decrease and even wars to cease!
A quality that is indeed a priceless treasure yet available to all!
Yet most choose to bury this treasure and instead of helping each other makes them fall!

I may not know much about this quality for its depths and heights are unreachable!
Just as you feel you have mastered this emotion up pops something that makes you mull!
Who invented this flawless quality? And gave it to flawed men?
It fits like an over sized suit for man has not learned to master its various blends!

Some people may think they have found love but hate engulfs their innermost thoughts!
They treat their own with regard and despise those who are not of their sort!
How can someone claim to be loving when love does not move them to positive action?
Indeed those who love sincerely and without reward are a dying fraction!

Love is like a golden chain that forms a bond that is unbreakable!
What a prime quality, inestimable in value!
In fact its worth cannot be compared to the most valuable pearl!
It is the grandest quality you can cultivate, you can mold!


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