Comments : Make A Choice [Lyrics]

  • 17 years ago

    by azii

    Well.. At first, about these lines:

    You always thought I was happy
    You thought I only cared for a friend
    But in your heart you knew
    That I wanted more from you

    I don't really understand.. You say, he tought that you were happy just as friends, and at the same time, he knew inside his heart, that you wanted more.. In my opinion, It doesn't make sense.. Thinking, and knowing inside ones heart are both things, that people do inside them anyway.. So reader ( I don't know about the others but This is the way I think ) Cannpt figure out, is does he know that you want more, or not.

    Then, these:

    I hate you so much
    But in the end
    When I lay my head down to sleep
    We both know I love you

    Again, you hate him, and you love him.. So after all, which one is right? I think you should change those like this: You can say, that you pretend like you hate him, but you really love him. Or other way around. Sam with that other one.. He pretends like he doesn't know, but he really does, or again; other way around.. Sorry about this, I just tried to help.. :)

    Otherwise, when I read this for the 1st time, I liked it a lot.. Just didn't really get it..

    And by the way, guess you should fix this one: You're the only I want to be with. Like You're the only one I want to be with or something like that..

    Good job anyway.. 4/5

    Keep it up and take care :)

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen of Spades

    While the chorus, is a little long I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've read HateLoves long comment and while I think its good for you to observe their comments, I also think that music is subjective and make sure to remain true to yourself. not all lyrics have be crystal clear to the reader. Excellent job!