Thirst For Control

by skynerraw   Mar 30, 2007

I listen to them fight
It goes on all night
They swear and yell
They make my life hell
My fathers the worst
With his thirst
For total control
Thats his goal
I cry but so they care?
No, they just stare
And try not to blink first
In this thirst
For total control
Over my life
My brothers got a knife
And says if he hurts me
"He'll pay" I"ll see
I know he's not joking
Just "poking"
An angry bear while sleeping
To see how angry it will get
Later this he may regret
I know, we fight and argue
As many siblings do
But down in my heart
Always, from the start
I've loved him
I know while my fate is very grim
My father and my brother
One of them is going to kill the other
But there's nothing I can do
Kind words there are few
But soon I hope things will settle down
That they'll forget this fight for the crown
In this thirst for total control


This is a true poem about my family, my brother did have a knife threatening my father with good reason, my father almost punched me in the face. We were all scared for our lives.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Leanne

    Very powerful piece, i thought the flow was off in some places but other than that a great piece. Very emotional and i'm sad to hear you have to go through this. Hope things get better stay strong :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Sky

    This is a very powerful poem! I am sorry that this is happening to such a young person.

  • 17 years ago

    by The Rising Pheonix

    I can relate to that, but my father no longer comes along.