Forget me not (love of my life)

by usher was my ex   Apr 15, 2007

Have you ever loved someone so much that you can't sleep lately at night because you are thinking about him/her, wondering if he/she is thinking about you, that you will do everything for him/her to make him/her happy, that you will do everything just to see him/her face (even when is over between you 2), that you sometimes think he/she is the reason that you are living.
Maybe you don't, but I do if I love someone, someone like you.
I think you don't know how much I love you, I loved you the first time I saw you
I was wishing/hoping that later when my children ask me mama who was your first love" I could just turn, look at your face and say "there he is sitting beside me".

I wish you the best, with the rest of your life, may you find someone without all the strife.

Thanks for loving me coz I love you with all my HEART.

Thanks for making me happy, I hope I made you happy like you make me happy and sorry for hurting you.

Thanks for understanding me.

Thanks for loving me for who I am(although you said I looked like your ex).

Thank you for everything and thanks for being there for me
One important thing, I have no regret of loving you and will never be.

I love you with all my heart, I love you with every beat of my heart and I will love you and think of you with every beat of my heart. I would even die for you if i have to. Think sometime about me, know I am thinking of you... Always!! and in my heart we are always together...


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