The Good Old Days

by Lor   Apr 23, 2007

We picked up our caps & gowns & all that senior stuff that's supposed to help
us remember the good ol' days, but some of the things that you remember the most can't be on paper.

That day finally came, & you sat there with all the friends you made over the looked out at your family, and deep down, you knew that this was a once in a lifetime moment. It was the last time in your life that all these people would be together in one place.

Yeah, there would be reunions, but there's always a chance that one person wouldn't make it there. You looked back on your time with these people & realized it was short lived & that it didn't seem as if there was enough time for everything that you wanted to accomplish.. sports, activities..all that good stuff.

They called your name, & your tassel got turned, & you got a piece of paper that said you were smart. Then you said goodbye..maybe to your town, & that school & your friends.

You know, that you can go back to visit, but there will be strangers in the halls & it's not the same. It's're different..but it's not the end. In fact, everything just beginning


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