Comments : Ashamed

  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    Beautifully sad poem you have here. Well done with this i liked it alot the emotion was strong and the words deep. 5/5~mel

  • 17 years ago

    by Poetess Lana

    Interesting way to format your writing... I like it!!! Your poetry says a lot about you, you care about other people's feelings.

    Allanah Rayne

  • 17 years ago

    by Robert

    I am not used to this format which you write it seems to mess with me. However the level of work you put in this piece was great. The story was so captivating it lead you through the whole thing and the ending was fantastic. Totally unexpected and well done you really shown your talents here great Piece I gave it a 5 and would have given it so much more if I could. And I DONT DO THAT.... 4th poem Plot121