What Was I Thinkin

by Amber   May 23, 2007

I don't know why I thought that you and me could ever be one I was so stupid to think that you actually liked me I gave myself to you and you didn't even act liked you'd cared So what im I suppose to think

I did things with you that I have never done with anyone else I guess I just feel to hard and you couldn't catch me Maybe next time you'll be there when I fall I wont have to pretent there is someone there

I always seem to find a nice guy then they turn out to be jerks I cant seem to find the right guy for me Just once I wish I could have the guy on tv Not the jerk down the road

The day that I find the right guy for me I may let him pass me right by To find the right guy in this town is impossible If you find the right guy don't let him pass you by Just in the end you will be sittin here like me thinking about what you could have had!!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kayla

    Girl, this is good cuz I know it's what you feel inside but...let me give you some advice. You say you love to party n all that...well, if you're findin' guys at these party's n hookin' up with 'em, this could be why they are all turnin' out to be jerks. These guys that drink and party are the ones that are the JERKS. The good guys are out there findin' other things to do to have fun instead of drink. They won't respect you and they sure don't care about what you want. They're out for ONE thing and that's it! My advice to you is if you gotta party...don't drink! And if you wanna find a good guy, it won't be at the parties (more than likely)! I've learned from experience!
    *My SN has to do with bein' different and not drinkin' n crap! Whether you believe me or not...I'm doin' this because I want to make a difference! Maybe you can help me!
    WB plz

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