A Kiss In The Rain

by Kersten   May 25, 2007

As we get out the car, the bottom drops
You pull me close, and tell me lets never stop

I ask you what you meant, you tell me never mind
I lift my head to the rain, and let it sink in

You pull me even closer and whisper in my ear
You say " theres nothing better then this my dear "

I tell you i beg to differ, you ask me what i meant
So i say " here let me show you like this "

As the rain drops hit a little harder
And the people start to run

You hold me close in you tight embrace
Afraid i might slip away

No one on the street now, just you and i,
The sounds of rain drops, and your sweet whisper in the air

It captivates me, with a binding spell
So luscious and sweet, it's like a secret i would never tell

You tell me that you love me and nothing could compare
I say that your wrong, a kiss in the rain tops it all

So when your with your lover
on that stormy day

Hold them close and tell them
Theres nothing like a kiss in the rain


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