• 17 years ago

    by girl

    I love the flow of this.

  • 17 years ago

    by Gary Jurechka

    This is a beautiful poem of love and I can relate so well as I live in Illinois and my love lives in Texas (hopefully we will be together soon!). But this really struck a chord deep in my heart. Very well written and meaningful.

    Peace, Poetry & Power,

    Gary Jurechka

  • 17 years ago

    by Boy

    When the world is calm again, and tyranny is gone,
    when kids can sleep at night, then I will be home,
    never more to leave you, with an empty heart,
    I know it isn't easy when we are apart.

    your these words realy touched my heart. that was an excellent piece of work. i loved the way you have expressed your feelings. realy in the feeling of true love.
    i always like these type of poems. and appriciate all the writers; they write such a nice poem.
    a one piece of work is this.
    you deserve 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    A poem that is best read aloud. I hope others do so, for even though we pause and race as we read, justice for this piece is best given to voice. A lovely write!