
by Breeeezie   Jun 22, 2007

Hes a teen age boy 18 years old hit by a car
running on the streets
out of no where
the light turns red
to fast to stop and look
he lost his memory
a week before his grad
a week before he gets his drivers id
to lay in the hospital he has todo
his body is numb
his soul is just alive
a few more months
it wont be long
he points at letters to talk to you
he says his names Johny
He's had a teddy bear
his mommy and daddy gave him
when he was three
hes alone
in the hospital room
he writes down
Teddy when I'm gone watch my mom and dad
teddy when they want a hug
don't be afraid give them one in return
teddy kiss them and hug them like i use to
teddy ill see you again some day
mom and dad me and teddy are here
and when your sad and thinking of me
know I'm here
I'm the sunshine in your eyes
I'm the blue in your sea
I'm the son
you can say proudly you had

baby brother or sister
thats on the way
when you get mad
at what mom and dad say
know that they love you to much
and want the best like i had
and when they cry at night
don't be scared and hide
give them hugs
and when they give you my room
don't worry if you mess it up
and when they give you my room
look after my teddy bear Stan
he has a special gift
he takes nightmares away

for my girl who iv dreamed to be my wife
see it started in grade nine
when i was a freak like other boys
i treated you different
i called your house
i never shut up
see iv always liked you
my best memory of us
was our grade 8 dance
when you were under the stars
and i asked you may i have this dance
its till then iv wanted you to be my wife my world
but now I'm, in the hospital
and forgotten by the world
out the window
treat my Baby brother or sister alright
don't be scared to dance in the rain
don't be scared to stand to your word
don't be scared to be hurt
don't be scared that I'm soon going to be above you
and when the time is right
know that ill be up above watching and seeing you

he put the letter in the teddy's arm
he then slowly closed his eyes
it was to late
his mom ran in and said hunny great news
the room became cold
the sky turned peaceful
a new angel arrived to god
with a hand and heart to give
to the world to the angels

everyone changed since then
dad was always at work
mom was never home
Johny's dream girl
soon didn't care of what the fudge went on
she cut till she screamed
a month later
his mom had a baby
*it was a girl*
years passed by
nothing went right
she became friends with the daughter
Kelsey the daughter and Ann the friend
Ann saw Kelsey up on the hills
she asked why are you up here
Kelsey said shh I'm talking to an angel
Ann just remembered that Johny died
she asked whats there name?
Kelsey said his name is Johny and and and
he really likes you
Ann hid her scars on her arm
Kelsey said that he wants you to live
he wants you and me to have the life
hes always dreamed of for us
Ann began to cry
the tears became a puddle of water

they both stared at it
Johny appeared
mom and dad are long gone
the world changes more and more each day
my thoughts and wishes are for you guys
that you'll live to be close friends
that you'll live to see what other people are missing
that when your hurt
that when you cry
to know and feel me sitting beside you
kissing you and hugging you better

They both began to cry
they both started to under stand life
you need friends and love to live each day
you need hugs and kisses when you close your eyes for bed
you need to know you have support
when the world turns wrong
know that someones wishing you
that your dreams will come true
that your worries will go away soon
you need to feel you have skills
you need to believe you can do better each day
Do something harder and harder
try to complete those goals from 2 years ago
think of new things todo for your future maybe tomorrow

Life's about Living tomorrow instead of the past
Life's about believing in your self more and more
Life's about not being at home
but being with the ones you love and care about
remember the great comments
forget the rude remarks
Live each day that passes by
with a heart touching poem or quote
carry your love letters in a page
keep them nasty rude ones in the trash
but most of all
never forget your family,the people who love you more then you'd ever know
and what happened today and what you can change tomorrow

if you listen to the song
Not a day goes by: Lone star
the poem story makes more sense!
please rate and comment
its my first long story and i want to know what skills i have to build or fix up.. have a great day/night!
ill vote and comment on your poem too


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  • 16 years ago

    by CHOKE

    This one was a bit confusing.
    At first i thought you were talking about a little boy and then i found out that it wasnt a little boy. but it was a great poem, and veryyyyyy long. 99999999999999/5.
    heheh. i loved it :)