Miss the time together

by LittleMissReality   Jul 18, 2007

I just Saw you..
You did not see me though.
I felt my heart shatter again,
Remember the time you made me laugh and I could not stop
Every time I see you I think of that
The laughing ended when you are on my mind
The tears start to fill in my eyes
I miss you.
I miss the great big hugs I would get before I left
Or the arms around me laying on the couch
I will never be able to watch movies again with out thinking of you
The couch is not the same I can not lay on it with out thinking of you
I thought you were the one
You reassured me that we would be together
Things changed though
But my feelings did not
I still love you and cry every time I think of you
The way you would make me laugh or smile
The way I could just sit there in silence and knew you were still there
But now that is gone and your feelings are gone and I am still waiting for you


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  • 16 years ago

    by moonlil

    I can relate to it so much.

    I still love you and cry every time I think of you
    The way you would make me laugh or smile
    The way I could just sit there in silence and knew you were still there
    But now that is gone and your feelings are gone and I am still waiting for you

    Love these lines. Great job!